Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Remembering those days daddy!

I did not want to be seen as sentimental daddy, but I am; When Dan wanted me to write about you today (Today being father's day), I didn't want to do it, i really did n't.Though i am very fond of words, I know they have limitations. They cannot show who you are to me; They just can't. So i decided daddy, to just let go, and write what all i remember about you;

These are precious moments daddy, moments i have cherished through my life.

I remembered you saying me daddy, that you did n't sleep the day i was born.
I remembered daddy, when i was young, the first thing i wanted as soon as i wake up was you.
I remembered those precious moments spent on your lap daddy, not doing anything else, just being there.
I remembered the words you said daddy, when you caught me lying, they were so loving they make me cry now.
I remembered daddy, the first day you came with me to school riding a cycle just because you wanted me to be independent.

I remembered many of those stories which you told us to put us to sleep daddy; I really do!
I remembered the long walks we took with hands on shoulders as close friends do, when you patiently listened to all my stories, my frustrations, and my joys.
I remembered the day you said you will not buy me a medical college seat daddy; and I'm proud you did.
I remembered the day when you took me for my first cricket coaching; and I remembered the pride in your eyes when I first played for my district
Yes, i remembered the day you cried daddy, when i boarded the flight to Assam; I know they were
proud eyes.
I remembered most of the values you taught me daddy, I remember them well, because i see them in you.
I remembered the times I scolded you daddy, as if I know more than you;

I remembered daddy, when i cried to you and stopped playing violin, that is my mistake daddy, it was never yours!
I remembered the look on your eyes daddy on the day I missed a medical seat; I knew you were hurt, yet the eyes never showed that,just because you never wanted me to be hurt.
I remember the reply you gave me when I said, why can't we just buy a medical seat daddy; Looking back it had such meaning to it daddy, it really did.
I remember every time your voice turns proud when you mention your dad daddy; I always say to myself, that when my child see me, he will see that pride 

Well, I want to be a father daddy, a father like you were to me! May be, I cannot think of a better compliment! And yes, I will stop on that note!


dan said...

Good one da.... but too many daddys.... and i don remember any of those stories tat daddy said wen he put us to sleep... enga onnu sollu parpom....

G.S. Muthu said...

Worth Tons of Comments !! Nice !!