Tuesday, August 26, 2014

You are better people, docs!

So, I understand the doctors are unhappy. They have been wronged by the insensitive media (Read Gopinath - from the famous neeya naana show). I did not see the show myself, but from whatever I have read about the show so far written by the docs,the docs think, they have been wrongly portrayed by the media to increase its TRP ratings.

I agree, the media is a shame. And it has to be put in its place. They can't do everything for the stupid TRP ratings. The media may also have had hidden interests behind shows like these. They can go to any extent,these media guys. After all, they are show men, with the primary aim to entertain.

But hold on docs; hold on! So if you are gonna show the black flag and claim innocence do you think the public will regain its confidence in you?

My last few encounters with the docs are here, and tell me why I should believe the medical community! I have had a hospital keep a dead body of a patient, a friend of mine, for almost 12 hours without informing us and tried to get money; The same week when the controversial show "neeya naana" was played, some docs were caught on camera being bribed by the pharmaceutical company impersonations and a young medical graduate defended getting cuts from the pharmaceutical companies;  Last week my mom's insurance money from IMA(Indian Medical Association) came with a request for a cut; A few months ago, I heard one physician say how a doctor has placed a stent in the heart without a block (pardon, if my technical details are wrong, I'm a non medico). And all this happened within the last year.

Now, don't get me wrong! I'm not here to bash you docs. My parents (both of them),fiancee, brother, sister and lot of close friends are doctors. And I have huge regards for them. I worked under a man, who has sacrificed the comforts of a huge pay and city life to work among the neglected community in an interior village in Assam. I know how hard some of my friends work, and how much they sacrifice for the sake of the patients. I really understand, that life for you is very difficult with the demanding patients, and the more educated people. 

But, why the big hue and a cry now? For all its worth, it has made you lesser people. You were and still are better than fighting a moron, who is selling news for money. If you want to win back the trust, look inside. There is rot in your system, as it is everywhere. By taking a high moral ground and shouting hoax, you are losing your respect.

People need you, and for that they respect you. Live honest, clean lives and you will be treated as God's. I saw my mom was almost deified when she died, for just being simple and honest. 

And don't throw stones in the gutter, it will splash all over you!

Thursday, August 14, 2014

The true fragrance of independence!

So amidst the euphoria of 'Happy Independence day' wishes, keeping the national flag as the profile picture, singing vande maataram, hoisting the national flag, seeing actors and actresses showing their patriotism and of course listening to the PM speak from the red fort, my voice will be meek. Yet I dare to write; since this is what I know to express my patriotism.

So, after the euphoria settles down, and life catches up, our patriotism often is reserved for another day! May be Jan 26th! May be August 15th again next year. So why do they come out only on special days? And where were they hiding till then? May be it was just there, deep inside, and the society has just shown only these as the ways to celebrate the our independence.

So what now? I can hear you getting irritated! Why can't we try some thing different? Something long lasting? Which really shows what independence really is; Can we just think aloud of some activity, some method to show our patriotism, which will have long lasting impacts? Here are a few which came to my mind....

May be we can support a girl child's education for a year; There are brilliant organisations which do superb work. This will be petty for the amount of money most of us make. May be we can promise ourselves to visit a school for the blind, a children's orphanage, a mentally retarded home or an oldage home! Just be there whenever we could on a sustained basis and see how much change the mere presence can make. May be we can promise ourselves, that we will follow traffic rules for a year; or will not pay bribe till next independence day; May be we can just go to our old school and see what we can do there; or May be we can just follow one more sport other than cricket and support the Indian's fighting it out there; May be we can promise ourselves not to get toddy from government run shops or not to buy products from corrupt organisations.

I understand, I'm getting preachy! I could not help it. Can we just try; try to make a solemn, sustained effort for one year and see how the very definition of our independence day changes.

Well, using national flags as profile pictures are patriotic. I have done that too. But just doing that once every year does not reflect the true fragrance of independence. True, we got independence from the britishers. Still there are hundreds of unwarranted things we are dependent on. Only after getting independence from them we will realize that there is a different fragrance to independence. True fragrance!

Monday, August 11, 2014

Mom's last major decision!

Mom's last major decision happened on her death bed. When she was in pain and on morphine. When the cancer cells were slowly writhing through her body.

It was about 'me' of course. It had to be! And that ended up as the biggest decision and obviously the best decision she has taken on my life.

When she said the 'yes' with her famous smile; I knew this was the girl, who will be my wife and best friend in the years to come!

Yes people, Jessie Daniel became my fiancee officially in a grand engagement ceremony in Karigiri, Vellore.

Mom was not there; Though the dates were fixed for her,with the hope that may be she will make it, she could not make it. But then, I could see her everywhere. All over the place. Running around. Greeting people. Making arrangements. And kissing me, and her new found daughter. She would have been an awesome mother in law, believe me. Then, life is such!

Jessie, became the Darling of the family yesterday. And will always be.

It sure was a major decision! It had to be her decision. And as usual it was a brilliant one.

Jessie, is a beautiful soul!