Sunday, February 19, 2017

Letter to my dear Tamilian!

Dear Tamilian,

I'm Tamil and I am having a mixed feeling on seeing all that is happening around! A feeling of helplessness, anger, confusion and even hatred. I know a lot of you share my feeling as well.

That Sasikala cheated us by entering through the back door is hurting. Yes, really hurting. That some body who did not win an election, corrupt and in Jail could lead us by proxy is really unfortunate. Life in Tamil Nadu is not fair, I presume. Life in India is not fair, for that matter.

Friends, I think it is time, we take up the cause and fight for our right rather than trusting these morons. I, intentionally include OPS and the opposition party chief in to my categorisation of morons as well. Let us not fool ourselves again by voting for a man who bent his spine backwards for a corrupt woman or for a man whose only claim to power is his dad.

So, what do we do next? I seriously seriously don't know. I'm sorry, I'm in the same frustrating boat of not knowing what to do next.

Yet, getting that eerie feeling of doing something. Do you have that feeling as well? Cheers! Write back to me. or ping me. At least we will pull each other's brains off till we get a solution. Let there be solid discussions. Let us take this opportunity to become responsible citizens. Citizens who are more involved in the day to day polity of this country.

And one final warning, let us be wary of the men in front off and behind the camera. We worship them enough already. And let them not be rulers just because they look good on the screen. I know there are good people in that arena as well. I just wish they don't take advantage of their cinema stardom to become rulers.

We are a developed group of people, friends. Much more developed than any other state in the country. That due to some good politics, sometimes despite bad politics. We fought and won a brave fight for the cows. We withstood a furious nature and stood strong. Let this bad phase make us better people and lead us to greener pastures.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Democracy & Sasikala!

Democracy and Sasikala? I know most of the modern generation youth acquainted with blogs will surely sneer at the title. They should not go hand in hand. I mean, they do not.

But why don't they? What is the problem? My maniacal mind is just refusing to accept the common man's verdict. I think, the democracy which gave Jayalalitha a chance in the first place, should give Sasikala a chance as well.

I understand you don't like that! Jayalalitha won elections. She was adored by the people. What has Sasikala done? Sasikala has got the mandate of the 100 odd elected representatives, which you and me elected. Of course yes, she will have to get the people's verdict within 6 months. I don't see absolutely anything wrong in that. If you don't like her being the CM, throw her out. I mean, vote her out.

I understand most of you also hate democracy. Yes, we don't get to participate enough in this model of democracy. I'm sorry, but this is the best we have! Imagine living under an autocratic Modi or Kejriwal? Democracy with all its flaws is the best we have.

Jaya was an actor! A non tamil. Arrogant. Corrupt. We gave her a chance. In fact we dared to call her 'Amma', a word I reserve for greater souls.Yes Sasikala has come to the throne through the backdoor of democracy. Yet, to get to the throne, she has to enter one more gate for which the keys are with you. If you think she is good enough, vote her. Else throw her out.

I repeat! Don't frown at democracy. For all its nonsense, that is the best we have. And don't fret at Sasikala. Throw her out.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

RIP Nirmal Sekar! You made me believe in the pen.

"The higher you soar, the smaller you appear to those who cannot fly" wrote Nirmal Sekar in the late nineties on Pete Sampras, the greatest tennis player before the millenium.

I read that quote again. And again, and again. What a profound thought. I fell in love with that article and then that man. Greg "Nobody" Rusedski had said about Sampras, that he is done and should retire. Pete "Greatman" Sampras, replied in the only way he can by winning the US open one last time before bidding good bye. Nirmal Sekar was sublime on the day after Sampras had retired. Those philosophical words had come then.

Reading him was pure joy! Every time he wrote an article, I read it once, then twice and thrice. The words he used, they spoke to me. It was pure magic. I close my eyes and imagine his thoughts. And they were profound. Always. They spoke to you in deeply philosophical language. They showed me the power of the word. The power of the pen.

He made me do this crazy thing! To sit and play around with words at half past ten, when the world around me had slept off, after a crazily busy and tiring day. Most of my sports philosophy are copied from him.

RIP Nirmal Sekar sir! You taught me, that words have beauty. I wish you had lived on for many more years. Your writings though will. For a very long time. At least in my heart.