Monday, May 11, 2015

You have no hope dear country!

So Madame Jayalalitha was not corrupt. She bought all those 30 Kilograms of gold and the insane number of saree's and the chappal's and the big tracts of land from her salary. She really did. Believe me!

Salman Khan killed one and injured some after driving when he was drunk. So he was granted bail and let off scott free because he could pay 30,000 Rs. He was made to pay a looooot of money. And he was a good man! After all, he beats up all the bad guys every other day. He can't be a bad man!

Vijay Mallaya, got loans and could not repay and did not pay salary to many thousands of employees! So what? Is that his problem? It was the employees mistake to have joined his company. IPL is going on and how can it happen without the self proclaimed "King of good times".

Maya kodnani, just killed around 100 people. She can't be put in jail when she is having fever and cough and cold. Granting bail to a sick convict is how humanity can be saved. And in that she being a doctor. And punishing a doctor is just not the way to do.

Story after story after story of how the rich and the powerful manipulate the system; which unashamedly keeps many thousands in prison before conviction for want of paying bail money.

Dearest country, I feel like shaking the dust off my feet on you.You are a shame.I regret being the eternal optimist and wanting to be the change agent

You have no hope dear country! Not in the near future.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

The slap I badly needed!

There are people who give you that slap on your face and wake you up from that wrong idea of yourself you have! He was one such man!

He wore the same shirt for the third day. His pants had that big black stain; His hair last saw a comb a week ago. And inevitably he came from Bihar. The Bihar of poverty and snake charmers; Of filth and dirt; Of disease and corruption. He did not speak any English of course. The language, which makes me so proud of!

And then came that slap! What a man he turned out to be. He has single handedly abolished Tuberculosis from his village and is aiming at doing the same for the neighboring ten villages. And to put things in persepective, nearly 2,40,000 people die of TB every year in our very own country. Especially in the Biharian villages due to lack of knowledge and hygiene.

And no, he is not a medical doctor. In fact he is not even a graduate. He works on his own interest with the government; takes people suspicious of TB to docs; help those who can't go to the hospital receive their dose of medicines and also spreads awareness about the disease to all and sundry. And all this, apart from his work, without getting a paisa for it.

Life throws up people like them often enough, to give that tight slap, and to put you on to your place! 

Monday, May 4, 2015

Shit happens!!!

So, early morning, the most read article trending on twitter was about the present transport minister and the former BJP president Nithin Gadkari. Hell No!!! He sure was not talking about developing the transport system of the country, nor was he talking about developing the biggest party in the world.

He was talking about 'urine'. You read it right; It was about man's 'URINE'. Rather, his own! The article quoted him saying, he never wastes urine and always collects them daily in a 50 litre can. Yes, he never wastes urine! He uses them to water his plants. I just said to myself; "paavam(Pity) those plants!

Why is there so much discussion happening on urine, I don't know! The other day, another MP was saying cow's urine cures cancer.In parliament! Then there was Maneka Gandhi, another esteemed MP, who said she is using the urine as a 'disinfectant'. And suddenly there is news that they are going to start a urine refinary in Rajasthan! So you will soon be getting 'Refined urine'! Don't know whose will be refined!

Before last year, it was a word spoken of as whispers! Thanks to the development agenda of the new government, they are being spoken off in blogs. The next step is to develop engines that run on urine. Why not? We will be the most energy efficient country in the world if that happens! Imagine 50 litre can's of urine! I mean energy! Now you get the transport minister and urine connect?

Shit happens! or should it be 'urine happens?'!