Monday, December 22, 2014

Can't we have better debates Mr. Prime minister?

So what if I'm a christian? or a Hindu? or a muslim? I mean, how does my religion matter to you Mr.Prime minister?

With the latest conversion - anticonversion debate, I lost all respect for your government. Not that I had any in the first place. But whatever small hope I had on you, I lost!

Sir, there are millions of people starving; Farmers suicides continue; The educational system has hit rock bottom; The health care in this country is abysmal and you know that. And yet, there is not one debate on all these. Not one of your ministers talks about all this. Not one person talks sense for that matter.

Sir, you were all over the place talking about development. That word "development" was shouted off from roof tops. Is that all the development you were talking about? You meant the development of religious disharmony? 

What is your problem if I'm belong to some 'X' religion? Even if I'm forcibly converted for that matter? Wherever I get more money or better education or more peace I go. Do you have a problem with that sir? 

The only problem I see with forcible conversions is threatened conversions! And I sincerely think there is not much threatened conversions going around. 

Sir, you got a mandate with which you could do wonders. Don't waste them in debating useless stuff. Ask your ministers to shut up and start working. 

Debate these useless things for five more years and the people will send you back to Gujarat. 

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Of oldies and their stories!

Your grandma was of such a great help to me in the medical college said that old granny! Your uncle used to be lying down here all the time said another. Story after story after story; I loved listening to them all.

Did I miss my grandparents? Very much so! It would have been great listening to the granddad whom everybody talks about everywhere, on whom a book had been written. It would have been such fun to see him tackle his wife, the fiercely independent granny, whom the town I grew up almost worshiped. Though I had the privilege of being with my mom's parents for some time, it would have been far better to listen to their stories now, when I can understand and fathom their legacy much better.

So, what do I miss? The love and the warmth that only grand parents could give. Of course yes! But more so the stories. To listen to the folklore of yesteryear; the interesting stories about the people they met, the pre independence stories of courage and valour, the stories of poverty and struggle, on horse drawn carriages and trams and the other long forgotten things. And of course on friendships and relationships.

There is some thing about those days. Something very sensuous. Very touchy. Something which can bring those happy tears and sometimes make you wish you had lived then.

May be life during those days were more romantic. Ah! How I wish my oldies are here now and tell me how romantic were they then.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Walking in to an uncertain future!

A burning pyre at the backdrop. Two pre teen children walking back. A dark sky. A bright moon. A small tear in their eyes. 

That was the picture which came to my mind when I heard their story. The mother, not a very old lady suddenly became very sick. The two young children had been by her bedside the last few months. And suddenly when she died, they were left all alone.

The two young children had had their private body parts badly damaged in their school by other children. Their mother had married twice, and was living with the third one when she contracted the disease. The villagers refused an entry to her dead body, calling her bad names. There were not many relatives who will share their burden.

All that these two young kids have seen in their young lives have been violence. The society had not been good on them. Not many have reached out to them. Their schooling had been a bad dream. The villagers have been cruel. Their future is dark. The present darker!

Now, is it fair to blame them if ten years down the line they end up doing some thing anti social? A theft? Or worse, a rape or a murder? Should not the society also take up some blame if something untoward happens?

Don't mistake me; I'm in no way defending an anti social action. Every wrong action should be accounted for. Should be punished. But the fact of the matter is, the society and that includes you and me, have not been fair on many young people over the years; and that is coming back to bite us.

May be the criminal justice system should also look at the background of the criminal as much as they see the backdrop of the crime. 

I'm just thinking out aloud!