Thursday, September 25, 2014

Wiser, Older and getting married!

When your father in law is reading your blogs, you tend to be intelligent! Or atleast pretend so. I surely am the latter. No, I'm not pulling his legs. Believe me:)

So when I was 22, just out of college, full of energy and Ideas, I wanted to change the world. Change the face of this country. Wanted to lead a change that will reduce poverty, shut off corruption and etc etc....I really thought I can! Then, I became old. And may be, 'wise' too.

I'm no longer the brash, carefree youngster who did not mind telling his teacher that he is partial. No longer I'm the arrogant guy who thought information techcnology in India is a lot of rubbish and quit a high paying job. No, I don't think I'm anymore the guy who was not afraid one bit about going to an interior forest in Assam, not knowing what I will do there.

And I'm getting married. I heard, men can't even change TV channels these days; Leave alone changing the world. See, I'm learning my lessons pretty fast! And in three months time, I understand the last strand of my independence will also be taken away, and with that my so called youth and brashness.

I'm sad! Sad that I'm becoming older. Sad that I'm suppose to become wiser too!

Why can't I be the same passionate, sometimes foolish, bold, sometimes arrogant individual I was, and get married too? Are they incompatible sutffs?

I can hear you say, "Go ask your father in law"!

P.S - No, No, this blog does not say anything. Don't search for meaning here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

at the end of teen age..brain cells r stil loose, hence d lad takes adventures steps without calculating consequences, as u grow older, d same cells get bit more tight packed, establish coordination better with a sense of self protection..So its wise to say..older people r wiser than youngsters. Older people take calculated risks to avoid self damage. God bless you.

Ask Dhruva, who taught Biology to him?