Wednesday, December 28, 2016

New year and the resolutions!

New year days are special days. Surely you are going to live with the same wife; go to the same job; And see the very same faces. Yet, the tradition says it, and so we celebrate. And celebrate we do, with New year resolutions. What is life without the resolutions? I mean, I make 250 everyday, breaking every one of them. But New year resolutions are special. The difference being they are not broken on the same day.

So what are your resolutions for this year people? I'm thinking of mine!

Should I consider reading more? Do I give learning music one more chance? Music is something that has just not gone the way it should have! I agree, I'm pathetic at that. Yet, the heart says, 'give it a shot'! Or should I join a gym again? Am I even capable of losing weight? Target 70:)

What about spending more time with the paavam wifey? More visits to Sivakasi and dad? May be start thinking about starting a family. May be I should also start looking at what next, after the wifey finishes her MD.

What about work? Should I work as hard as I did this year? Take more responsibilities? Make the project I'm handling more responsive to the needs and wants of this country?

Travel? Sleep? Oh how I love them both! Where next? May be a trip abroad? Or the long pending trip to Arunachal?

More time for myself? The favourite quiet times! More time for ARR and his ilk; More blogs; Less of twitter and tennis matches on you tube? May be another shot at regularly playing a sport. Either basketball or cricket or shuttle badminton.

Should I give more? Or save more! Start investing. Buy a car? Or even a house!

Time for church? Time for potters clay? Time for friends? Should I join back the whatsapp groups? And start discussing the depressing Indian politics again?

Oh so many, so many thoughts! I'm pretty sure, most of the resolutions will just go off the head, but if you are all sorted, you'd be hung on a wall as a piece of art.

So, throw me your suggestions people; And let me hear yours!

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