Tuesday, May 16, 2023

One year of fatherhood

I was flying way above the African continent, sitting right next to the pilot asking him all sorts of questions. We are doing Monrovia to Harper on a small 9-seater aircraft in western Africa and the Swiss pilot was incredibly kind in answering everything with aplomb. 

"Sir, what was the most difficult flight you have ever done"? I asked him. Remember, the man flies in the remotest of jungles getting off and on amidst rough and difficult terrains. 

"I have three children and helping them soar above the clouds of life has been the most challenging flight of my life", came the reply. 

I smiled, for I knew then that I had just embarked on that journey of parenthood. Suddenly today, it is already a year since. Phew, the time has just flown by. 

'K', has been the cause of Joy, despair, love, anger, insecurity, happiness, tiredness and every other human emotion possible in the last year. As someone who prides himself in not letting emotions overcome me, the year has been one heck of a ride. Yet, it has only just started. 

Early today morning as I was fighting jet lag and sleep deprivation and lying down in faraway land, my dad called me and woke me up to check on me. I was angry. Whoever calls anyone so early, I berated him. Then it just hit me; It is part of his parenting journey, how much ever long it has been, to have that call, to hear that voice of his son. It doesn't bother him that the son he taught to talk, talks back ever so loudly. He just wants to listen to the voice. Ah, parenting, what can it do to you? 

I don't know how long my journey with K is going to be! Perhaps it is going to be a rough ride. I'm sure there will be anger and insecurity. Surely times of absolute despair. Yet, I absolutely look forward to it. Just like my dad looks forward to hearing my angry voice every day early in the morning. 

For through all the bumps on the road, this has been the most satisfying and happiest journey I have ever done. 

Year 2, here I come! 

First Birthday celebration

What a joy he is! 

Sad face coz appa scolded him

His search for life

The footballer

His love for the ball

Like father like son

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