Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Bye Bye Dedu! Love you!

It was almost nine on a Friday evening, as night was licking its lips in anticipation before eating up what was left of the day, nearly everybody in my small department, some with families assembled in the house of my boss. It had been a hectic day for sure. Some had worked more than twelve hours that day. Some had travelled nearly 75 kilometers. Yet they all made it. Made it for a farewell. For my farewell! And guess what, DEDU would have made it for every programme of every single person.

That is why there is love and then there is Dedu!

Behind the big smile I hid the tears. When after a tiring night of working more than 12 hours every soul in the department could assemble at 9:00 PM just to say a 'bye', how could I not cry.

Three years ago, life was very different. I had just lost my mother. The great soul she is, had also been my best friend and a pillar of strength. The mental stress of seeing her go through the final stages of her fight with the disease was indeed taxing. I had just had a big failure as well. Another one of those. Narrowly missing a civil service seat was actually not very easy. Of course the greatness of the wifey and the omnipresent family were of great strength but then I was deep in to depression.

Then DEDU happened!

DEDU was all i knew in the last three years. They were the family I knew. They were Jessie's in-laws. The work was the only hobby I had. Every single one of them was family. The jokes my brain told me were on them. The gossip with the friend was about people at work.

Many days I would just call somebody in the department and go for a dinner. Nobody ever refused. Even if they refuse, I go! And nobody ever stopped me. The favourite biriyani was the ever present menu. And love was always the side dish. Everyday somebody gave me lunch. Breakfast was paid for many times.

The trips, the outings, the nightouts, the carol rounds, the choir singing, the Christmas programme's and the umpteen other departmental programme's organised always was fun just because DEDU was sportive. Light hearted banter was an every present companion. Sometimes the pranks were on the boss too! And nobody ever complained.

When somebody told me, "I'm going for greener pastures"! I smirked within. Can life be ever so green again?

Thank you DEDU! Thank you for all the love. But for you those three years in vellore would have been very different. I have become a better person because of you. And for that, thank you. And best of all I have a wonderful family to fall back to all my life. And for that, love you.

Bye Bye Dedu! Love you!

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