Monday, February 2, 2015

On marriage and the aftermath!

Yes, aftermath is a word used to define the after effects of a disaster! Yet, I'm using it here. I might end up using my apologizing skills on the woman I presume. Ah! what is life without the banter.

Yes, for those of you who were asking about my blog on the wedding, I had decided not to write as it was an experience beyond words! See, I am learning the art of diplomacy here.

It surely was a sureal day. The holy communion service, the family get together, the fun, the laughter, that harried feeling, the suffocating love, and of course the grand wedding ceremony and the fabulous reception which followed. The day was too little to have so much happening. Yet, it all happened.

The wedding had the exhilarating wait for the woman, with two of India's greatest violinists playing "The arrival of the queen of sheba". It had the grandest feeling of tying the "mangalsuthra" on the wife. It had the 'everybody's eyes on us' feeling. It had the sense of unmatched excitement. It had the 'cameras flashing on you' thrill. It had almost everything; except of course the mother with whom I had dreamt my wedding day so much. Ah, how I wish she had been there. She would have taken that day to different heights.

I will have to bring gratefulness here! The friends and the family. You made that day happen. Thank you all, for the love, for the prayers, for the blessings and for your presence on that day.

So, life after marriage is different! I am learning dependence. Accountability. The "I do what I want" feeling is slowly being taken away. The fiercely independent person in me is being destroyed.

I made a 'commitment', 'a tryst' with a woman in His presence that day; and that was the day all about.

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