I know it is too early sir. I understand it will take time just for the feeling of being the prime minister with such a majority to sink in. And I'm truly not naive to believe that you have a magic wand to shoo away the problems we have. Yet, I say this with a fair amount of conviction. There is something wrong after your victory sir.Horribly wrong!
The good thing about alarms is that they always ring on time; though we may not like it. And the alarm bells have started ringing sir. And if you don't put your foot down and act, life in this country will not be what you and me dream of!
As you would have known by now,Pune faced communal violence. Some buses were torched and of course one young techie from a minority community was killed because he wore a "skull cap". You know that, right? I'm sure you know who did that as well. And in that very same Pune, some people were threatened because they did not spell out your name with a "Jai" to it!
In the IT hub of Bangalore some people were threatened because they posted FB posts which criticized you sir. And in the capital city of Delhi, some lower class people who were protesting were bundled out by the police.
I hope you know all these happened sir! Most of us who watch television don't, as news channels don't cover them anymore. Of course, I think they are biased sir! Biased towards you. 'Paid', will be a better word.
And I'm afraid very soon there will not be allowed any criticism in this country. That day sir,with the rate at which things are happening, is not very far.
I want you to come out of your silence and speak out. But, I would prefer acting strong sir. Against those who torched those buses, the gang who killed the youngster, against the policemen who evicted the protesters and of course against the paid media!
I know you want development and is working hard on that front. But you just can't wish away criticism sir, and those who don't follow your ideologies.
Believe me sir, you try to muzzle criticism and those who criticize and not follow your ideologies, It will turn on you very soon. And history is replete with examples of that.
Sir, if you don't get up when the alarm rings, you always end up going late to the class! Always!
The good thing about alarms is that they always ring on time; though we may not like it. And the alarm bells have started ringing sir. And if you don't put your foot down and act, life in this country will not be what you and me dream of!
As you would have known by now,Pune faced communal violence. Some buses were torched and of course one young techie from a minority community was killed because he wore a "skull cap". You know that, right? I'm sure you know who did that as well. And in that very same Pune, some people were threatened because they did not spell out your name with a "Jai" to it!
In the IT hub of Bangalore some people were threatened because they posted FB posts which criticized you sir. And in the capital city of Delhi, some lower class people who were protesting were bundled out by the police.
I hope you know all these happened sir! Most of us who watch television don't, as news channels don't cover them anymore. Of course, I think they are biased sir! Biased towards you. 'Paid', will be a better word.
And I'm afraid very soon there will not be allowed any criticism in this country. That day sir,with the rate at which things are happening, is not very far.
I want you to come out of your silence and speak out. But, I would prefer acting strong sir. Against those who torched those buses, the gang who killed the youngster, against the policemen who evicted the protesters and of course against the paid media!
I know you want development and is working hard on that front. But you just can't wish away criticism sir, and those who don't follow your ideologies.
Believe me sir, you try to muzzle criticism and those who criticize and not follow your ideologies, It will turn on you very soon. And history is replete with examples of that.
Sir, if you don't get up when the alarm rings, you always end up going late to the class! Always!
Before someone else posts this ..
you are a pakistani spy. u are paid by congress. u are a cia spy.
there i have discredited u so all that you said are lies.
We as a global community are becoming more intolerant to people who have different views.
I hope you mailed it to the PM office. Otherwise, this may not reach the correct officials.
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