Saturday, March 4, 2017

BJP and the 'Development'conundrum!

Well, we have all heard that word! Haven't we? Development! One man sold that word from every nook and corner of this country. We believed him. Of course, we din't have an option. Yet, I'm still confused on what in that word made us believe in him. Come let us do an analysis.

So I think the definition of development included bringing in more Jobs, which means bringing in more private companies. And that means enticing the companies to set up shops in India. But sadly according to the labour bureau reports the last year has seen the lowest year on year growth since 2009 barring 2012 for which the data is missing.

The other major charge which the now ruling party and all of us had on the then ruling party was the depreciating value of rupee! And the increased cost of petrol, diesel and the Gas. Well, the less said about the prices of these three, the better for the current govt. The sad part is the global prices of the oil contents have come down and yet not ours.

Yes, we wanted the bullet trains, the smarter, cleaner cities. With due regards to the PM, they take some time to come and he has started the process I presume.

Has the corruption come down? May be yes. May be no! No big fish is being caught. But that may also mean the big fishes are escaping the catch.Oh ya I forgot the black money! The election commission has caught 3 times more money in this elections than in the previous elections, which means the demonetisation has not worked well.And in fact demonetisation surely makes people think that the GDP growth is fudged.

The education budget has been reduced! For the first time ever since I started following budgeting. Not that our govt schools have started doing better.

Health care, Well, I have been in that sector now for a few years to know that we are going fast in to a deep pit.

So what exactly was the development he meant? What did that word mean, that attracted us to him?

Market capitalism, which I think is what people wanted out of Modiji and BJP cannot co-exist with the religious fundamentalism ideology of the current ruling party. And elections funded by the capitalistic bigwigs cannot repay us in the kind we want.

Next time when he comes riding on that word 'development'again,ask him clearly what and whose development he means?

May be he meant the development of 'Religious fundamentalism, fascism and bigwig capitalists'.

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