Sunday, January 29, 2017

Dream Team! My work place!

Those sports fans out there, have you heard of this team? The dream team? They went out there and defeated its opponents by an average of 44 points en route to the Olympic basketball gold medal. That team is described as the greatest sports team ever assembled on planet earth.

When my boss, who is embarking on a two year study leave said this about the team I am part of now, it got me thinking.

Dream team? Are we? What makes us special? No, the team does not have the talents which the original team of Michael Jordan and Magic Johnson had. Not even a semblance of that. Not one, except may be the boss herself has the charisma that will turn the eyes on you.

The team contains a bunch of ordinary mortals. Yet, they pull off works of the magnitude that, believe me, has set standards very high. What makes this team great? My mind repeated the question again. What makes me want to go back to work day in and day out? Though many times, it is bloody hard work. What makes the team attractive that I don't mind being part of this small group of people all my life, and gives me immense Job satisfaction

I have worked in good teams before. Have had really good bosses. Have seen the best of the IT world and also the best of the NGO world. Have been in the poshest of cities, also been in the remotest of villages. Yet, dare I say, these two years are the best I have ever had. The question beckons me again! What makes my team good? I mean, great!

I doubt the answer is that simple! Yet, that word 'Simplicity' as a noun may be the answer. "Simplicity is the virtue of removing the extraneous to reveal the essence. In other words, every body is just their innate self in this team. Nobody hides. Nobody plays otherwise. Everybody is just themselves. And that I think is the greatest advantage. Nobody has to hide anything. The team works around weaknesses. Works with them. On them. Through them. In fact, weaknesses are sometimes boasted about. That makes people secure.

Make people secure in their work place world! And you will have a dream place and team to work with. A lesson my boss taught me in the last two years. 

1 comment:

Rebekah said...

So beautifully captured, Sam!!
I sure am glad to be a part of that same dream team!!