Friday, December 11, 2015

Stay proud, stay angry chennai!

It feels terrible when you are not in the middle of the activity that is going on in Chennai! No,not the floods. But the relief that is happening around in chennai.

The day it rained and when the News of floods were coming in, it felt even worse when the city you loved and had been part of is being devastated. Just that, the business of life was taking its toll. The human being inside me which wanted to be part of this mamoth tragedy just lost to the everyday monotonies of life!

And then the beauty of Chennai and its people unfolded. Twitter and Facebook were so full of people waiting to help and everybody I know (Both real and virtual) were extending helping hands. An army man quoted this, "For the first time I'm seeing more volunteers than victims", and I felt proud.

The Chennai of our dreams had stood up in times of crisis and held hands together and I could feel the pride!

Then, there was a tinge of anger in it! Anger at the political apathy, anger at people like me who just sat back in comfy homes and watched without lending a helping hand, anger at themselves for this situation which they had brought upon themselves to a certain extent and anger towards God!

Hold on to that anger Chennai! The next time when the politician comes to you asking for votes stay angry. When the real estate advertisers encroach another of the water bodies stay angry. Next time when the 'God men' blesses you for money, stay angry!

I'm proud of you chennai! Lest we forget, if we lose our anger, like we lose it everytime, Our pride is a useless virtue.

Stay proud Chennai! Stay angry too!

1 comment:

dr TV said...

That's really inspiring and reminding the responsibility