Wednesday, March 21, 2012

It is gonna be alright;

"It is going to be alright Sam"; She pinged. Stop! Don't pounce on me. She is my cousin. So no other news from my side yet!

It was one of those days when you want to jump from the well and realize the wells are small. I am sure most of us have gone through days like that, when nothing really works, when you are really depressed, when life looks extremely complicated, when the future looks bleak, and the present even bleaker, when you get up from bed thinking why the clock can't be a bit slow and cursing earth for rotating so fast. It was one of those days!

I got up thinking, God another 15 hours to go to bed again? Then this message came. "It is going to be alright sam"; Ya, it is going to alright people! This too shall pass; There will be failures, disappointments, depressions, dejections; They do come, but, guess what? It will be attached with the Grace and the strength to go through them; There might be people wonderful people(Like my cousin) who will pull you through, or life will find its own ways to pull you through.

There is a brighter sunrise, as always, the next day; This too shall pass! 


Anand said...

It is gonna be alright. I need someone to tell me that.

Samuel Gnanadurai said...

@ Anand : i feel blessed Anand:) danks