Shhh!!! Don't let this secret out! The boys are getting nervous about their weddings.
This is the wedding season of my life. Every new day i get a call from some friend saying he is engaged and the wedding is in such and such date. I could almost get a sense of nervous excitement in the air.
Yesterday, rather two days ago, I went out for breakfast with a close circle of friends. One person in our gang is getting married in a few months time, and he came with his fiancee. This person, i swear, has never before got up before the sun. We have tried many tricks on him to wake him up early, but all in vain. That day, he called up at 6' in the morning and said my fiancee is ready and i will come for the breakfast. 6'? Ah, wedding blues! The girls are pretty powerful, i presume!
The other day i was invited to another friends home immediately after his wedding. We spoke for some time and he came out to drop me to the bus stand. All along our travel, my friend spoke unheard of philosophies on why life had to be like this and why and how i should change! God! I always thought, philosophers are born and not made?
I hope most of you would have read how my one other friend has become sane at last! Your guess is right? he married! Well, guys beware! and get ready! nobody knows what might hit you. We might even be made to study under the moon light:)
And don't forget, this is a secret!
Eagerly waiting to see how u will change after marriage.....:-P
Yen intha kolai veri? can i know who is dis?
u need 2 understand so many things Mr samuel...
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