Monday, October 24, 2011

Getting Old!!!

I am pretty sad today. Well, reality some times stare back at you! It was one of those days, where nothing really big happened but a small incident, make you think deep. I suddenly realized my dad is becoming old. Old? not old by world standards; To be frank, not old enough to call him aged still. He is 53 and still has plenty of life in him. But, still, he is no longer the sharp mind he was.

I got irritated today, when he was not able to understand how the "Track changes" work in the microsoft word. I wanted to say, " apply your mind, plz"; Then, in a flash of a moment i realized, he is not the same anymore. The mind, which taught me to apply hypotenuse theorem to calculate the degree of our solar panels, the mind which taught me how an auxanometer works so brilliantly that i still remember every word of what he taught me that day, 15 long years ago, the brilliant mathematical mind which i had often been amazed at, is no longer the same.

I ve heard life will come one full circle and you will become child like again. I ve seen my grand parents some times behave like that. Is this the start of that process for my dad?

Emotion bound, my heart says, 'YES'!!!


Sheena Reuben said...

So true sam...sometimes, our young impatient minds are careless enough to think that parents are old and cannot understand...we should always remember, that when were were too small to understand, they didn't just get irritated with us and give us up, but went down to our level and helped us become what we are today...

Samuel Gnanadurai said...

Very very true sheena ka. I am slowly realizing this fact. Had to keep reminding me again and again these days.

Thanga said...

v all r already in to that process once v r born..but v got some prob right from the begining da what 2 do for that ?????any suggestions???

Maheshwaran said...

True True.. It's our turn now, to take care of them, even if they claim, I am on my own always..

Maheshwaran said...

True True.. It's our turn now, to take care of them, even if they claim, I am on my own always..

sangee said...

Its made doubly hard cos we cannot boss around our parents like they bossed around us when we were kids..we have to be not only patient,but also very tactful