Saturday, January 21, 2012

Anybody there?

Politician bashing has become the favourite hobby for the Indian media and the so called civil society of this country. Don't ask me, where do i belong? Being a blogger, i belong to the media and am an equally culpable member of the civil society. So this blog is more to me, than to people out there!

Today morning one of our esteemed minister from Madhya Pradesh has asked a small school kid to tie his shoe laces. Shoe Lace! What a shame? The media pounced on him; Two major parties started scrambling for the two votes which would spill out of this shameful act and the internet was filled with so much hatred for the politician from the civil activists.

Dear media, civil society and the shameful political parties, have you ever been to a city called Delhi? There are some fifty metro stations in that city and outside every station there are a small children sitting with a  brush and a shoe polish to polish the shoes! The shoes of not the politicians who show it to them but every individual who passes that. Hundreds of youngsters survive in that city touching our feet. Where did you all go then?

Of course, if that minister had done this intentionally to show his superiority, kill him if that is what the law says. But please before throwing mud at others make sure they don't fall on us.

Anybody there?

Friday, January 6, 2012

Dear doctor's

Hang on! What are you saying? My mom did not go to work? On a working day? That cannot be possible; I ve known her 25 years and not once had my, workaholic, doctor mother stayed back. Not once! until this day; They called it a strike! Strike? Strike for what? Strike to show her solidarity to the death of a doctor in a nearby town of tuticorin. 

Dr. T. Sethulakshmi, the chief doctor of an ESI hospital in Tuticorin was hacked to death by the relatives of a pregnant patient (Nithya), who had died in the private clinic of this doctor. Very very sad! I mean, how can you kill a doctor, who i am 100% sure did not want to cause harm to her own patient. That man is mad; probably insane. My sympathies to the doctor's family. Having been born and brought up in a hospital campus, i know how much the doctor's work and it is extremely unfair to kill somebody for no fault of hers. Infact the doctor was trying to help the patient (I don't consider medical negligence here as i think even medical negligence are not intentional).

The entire doctor community (read IMA) had come out openly to fight against this injustice and took a day off from work to show their solidarity. Now, it is good to see that the so called competitive medical community took some time out of their busy schedule to show solidarity. 

But! Why a strike? Are you saying that if you strike and don't go to work one day, the next insane man is not going to kill? Come on! I know it is extremely frightening to know that the doctors are not safe. This could have happened to anybody; even to my mom and dad. But, that is the truth and life has to go on. Striking, not going to work, is not and will not prevent such incidence from happening again.

I heard doctors say that they also have the right to strike. Fair enough! I agree. The Indian constitution has given the right to strike to every citizen. But, strike for strike's sake will not help. One other thing which is equally sad is the medical community does not have a very good name with the ordinary people. Strikes like these might in fact increase the animosity people have on the community. Let us face it! the medical community is not the most ethical and coming out openly saying the media is the sole reason for the bad name is simplifying the issue.

Show solidarity. Visit the family. Wear black badges. Give in writing to the people in charge of your safety  about your plight. Increase your personal security. If need be, take walks and teach the public what you think. But, please don't say we won't work. Even with all the animosity the common man needs you; he needs you badly and for that he respects you. 

Again i say, this will not and cannot solve your problem. God forbid, this increase the anger he has on you. Please believe me, no sane man will ever do this to one of you.